It was a beautiful day in South Everett yesterday, and after walking the dogs in the sunlight, getting some coffee, staying at home and doing a bit of programming, I decided to make a couple of pizzas.
I Got the charcoal started with my chimney and after ~40 minutes time I had some nice hot coals. I dumped them into Marvin and poured on some Royal Oak lump charcoal that I picked up. Someone on some forum somewhere on the internet suggested Royal Oak because apparently it only uses oak and that might be good. Or something. I also picked up some pieces of hickory to throw on for the final heat (I was worried it would make my pizza tasty funny- but it didn't).
Once the lump charcoal got Marvin up past 700, I threw in some of the hickory and 20 minutes later took the pic above. 901.2°. Possibly. It's really just an educated guess.
On to the pizzas!

Mostly 00 flour, red sauce, moz, mushroom, little bit of red pepper, and salami.

The above is what happens when you push your pizza in a little bit too far, and it falls off the edge of the stone and gets burn to a crisp. Luckily it doesn't ruin the whole pizza.

I think I might have actually had the oven just a little bit too hot. Next time I'll have to use fewer pieces of hardwood.